2024 Company Achievement Award Winner Belle Prairie


2024 Company Achievement Winner Belle Prairie

NORMAL, IL -  Belle Prairie Mutual Insurance Company was presented with the Company Achievement Award by the Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies at their 143rd Annual Convention in August.

2023 proved to be one of the most challenging years for the insurance industry. More companies merged or closed their doors than ever before, and we didn't have time to find new avenues quickly. Manager TJ Welte recently joined the mutual team and handled the crisis with professionalism and dignity. He utilized the network connections within the Association to gather as many options as possible.

We recognize the significant changes Belle Prairie has made in transitioning toward its future. However, we also want to acknowledge its selfless efforts in assisting many others by sharing their knowledge and ideas and connecting its peers to opportunities. We appreciate the sacrifices it made to continue business and allow time for decisions in its mutuals.

Their peers nominated Belle Prairie as a company that, despite the hardships of 2023, overcame them while looking for ways to help their peers.

The Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (IAMIC) provides member companies with educational opportunities, professional development, legislative support, and industry recognition.